Protecting Human Rights

United Nations has not established a thematic Special Procedure that would protect the fundamental right under Article 6 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 16 of the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights). This right guarantees everyone recognition as a person before the law. From the legal perspective, when denied this human right a person may not exercise any subjective rights. With that, having no special “eyes and ears” which would be able to notice the acts of deprivation of people from the power of exercising subjective rights, United Nations human rights does not review HRC complaints seeking protection of this right.

If you were denied a credible identity document or your passport has been unexpectedly canceled you may send the special complaint for review and further advice.

Processing special complaints and further advice is free of charge. However, kindly note that acceptance and review of special complaints is discretionary and due to scarce resources postal and telephonic channels are currently not available for transmitting such complaints or for legal advice, including advice regarding submissions.

How to submit the special complaint?

You may submit the special complaint for review and further advice only to the e-mail address shown on the complaint form. The complaint form is available here. Download it, fill in all fields, print, sign and scan the form. In order to submit the special complaint, all domestic remedies may be not necessarily exhausted, however your inquiry must:
• be written in English (the main information in the attachments should also be translated into English), and language should not be abusive or insulting;
• be not anonymous – please, specify your full legal name and address where you actually live (including the postal code), and sign the complaint with blue or black ink;
• be submitted by a person or a group of persons, claiming to be the victim(s) of the violation of the right to recognition as a person before the law, or submitted by a natural person acting in good faith, not resorting to politically motivated stands, and having in hand the written consent signed by the victim authorizing the submitter to prepare and file the complaint. The required consent form is available here;
• not repeat a case being dealt with by a United Nations complaint procedure or another international or similar regional complaint procedure regarding the violated victim's right to the recognition as a person before the law;
• be not manifestly politically motivated;
• be not exclusively based on reports disseminated by mass media – please, attach evidentiary materials that directly relate to your case (for example, an official letter denying the issuance of the victim’s identity document, other official correspondence or an audio or video recording demonstrating that the victim has been explicitly ignored or denied in obtaining of an official letter that would prove the denial of the right);
• describe the facts of the alleged violations, their dates, possibly referring to the attached evidence;
• include the names of the government bodies, the names and titles of the officials denied the issuance of an identity document, and their contact information (postal address, telephonic and electronic mail contacts);
• point to the form fields or sections with information which should be kept confidential and not transmitted to the State allegedly violated the human right.